
 A dream no longer deferred... 

For as long as I can remember, fabrics and sewing have been a part of my life. My earliest memories of my mother, are of her sitting in a chair humming, while she hand sewed everything from clothes and curtains, to bed sheets and tablecloths. 

Our trips to the fabric store were a highlight for the young me. The unique smell of new fabric waiting to be transformed. Walking up and down the aisles looking at all the vibrant colors. Sneaking glances at my mother before reaching out to touch the fabric ( I was under strict instructions not to touch anything). Looking back, it seems only natural that I would grow up and choose to pursue a degree in a creative field.

 I went to school for fashion design and spent the last decade working for various brands. With each passing year, the work I did moved further away from the creative end of the spectrum and more towards the business end. Maison33 NYC is me getting back to my roots. The little girl who wanted to play with fabric for a living when she grew up, is finally living her dream! Thank you for helping make that possible.

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